Monday, November 9, 2009

Reverend Jide Macaulay Clocks 44

44th Birthday Celebration

Open Invitation to all my friends, to join a celebration of 44 years of grace, at Mahogany Restaurant Music by Juwon, Location 356-358 Lea Bridge Road London E10, Date: Friday 13th November 2009, 8.30pm to mindnight.

1 comment:

barritdigitalstudio said...

Happy birthday Rev. Jide

It is nice to know that God has shown you His love and faithfulness for the past 44 years. He has made your life beautiful and filled with love. What else can you ask for.

This same God who has kept you and shown you his grace from the first day you were born will also continue to shower his abundant grace, love and prosperity on you.

Have a fun filled birthday. Enjoy yourself man. You are the best thing to have happen to humanity. May your remaining days on earth be filled with greatness and prosperity. You will have no course to regret because God will continue to pamper you as his only child and spoil you with goodness.

Happy birthday from the one that loves you very much and all we from Nigeria that cares about you.

Yours lovingly

CY - Nigeria