Monday, August 24, 2009

UPDATE NIGERIA "The Bauchi Case"

Update on the Bauchi Case:
18 men are still awaiting trial for various charges relating to homosexuality in the Northern Bauchi State in Nigeria, Bauchi State is one of 13 States strictly under Sharia Islamic laws, the men continue to receive the support of a local church which considers its mission to be radically inclusive, affirming and welcoming to gay people, the case which began following their arrest on 5th August 2007, was again adjourned on the 28th July 2009 to the 8th October 2009, to avoid any seating during the Ramadan season. The court have failed to seat for many adjournments over the past two years, on the last occasion 17 out of the 18 men attended the hearing, however there was a riot in the city of Bauchi, not related to the trial but unfortunately the 18th person lost his uncle in the fight and was unable to attend court.

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